When there is a workplace dispute situation, it can often help to engage an impartial, independent person to enable the parties involved in the disagreement to communicate with one-another and reach a mutually agreeable solution.
Workplace mediation is a confidential and voluntary method of discussion which looks at all sides of the dispute and aims to uncover the underlying problems and nature of the conflict which has arisen. embraceHR work with individuals or groups to assist each party to see and understand the other perspective(s), identify the options for resolving the disagreement and find the best way of moving forward for all those involved. Sometimes it is as relatively simple as allowing someone who feels they have been unfairly treated the opportunity to air their views in a ‘safe’ environment. The aim of mediation is to try to effectively restore to a practical level and, going forward, maintain the employment relationship where possible, allowing the parties to continue to work together in some form.
Once the process is complete as far as possible, we can look at how effective the mediation process has been and identify if any learning outcomes or process improvements can be drawn from the situation. We also look at how the repaired relationship can be sustained, how to follow up on the overall process, and, what the fall-back position might be if the agreement breaks down.
Mediation can be a popular way of resolving a workplace dispute as it can often be less stressful for the involved parties and less time consuming than investigating a formal grievance. Done well with the involvement of those affected, it can resolve conflict and restore working relationships. However, mediation should not be used as a tool for avoiding dealing with serious issues such as unfairness, conduct or capability.
embraceHR can also work with your business and, via training, enable your managers to develop skills in handling difficult discussions, understand the different styles of their team members, reflect on the way they communicate with their teams and approach conflict in a proactive and constructive way.